Bennett Z. Kobb / Quotes Page
When your brain says, ‘I have a question,’ and you don't ask a question, that's not being an American. — Michael Moore
An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does the truth become error because nobody will see it. — Mahatma Gandhi
We all want to be advanced souls because most people hate to be considered a beginner in anything. — Michael Newton
Animosity and lack of humility may quickly subvert you to the side of that which you are purportedly resisting. Spirituality and truth are not defined by political affiliation. — Chidananda
Human consciousness is able to extract information from physical aspects of its environment, by some anomalous means that is independent of space and time. — Robert G. Jahn & Brenda J. Dunne
The sheer volume of evidence for survival after death is so immense that to ignore it is like standing at the foot of Mount Everest and insisting that you cannot see the mountain. — Colin Wilson
Over the last 60 years, research with spontaneous cases of past-life memory has moved reincarnation from the realm of belief into the realm of science, so that it is no longer a matter of belief alone. — James G. Matlock
Every day it passes, we believe more and more that consciousness, on a metaphorical level, has its own eyes, ears and senses, independent of the physical body, it even has a voice of its own. — Seeing Without Eyes is Possible
Most people past college age are not atheists. It's too hard to be in society, for one thing. Because you don't get any days off. And if you're an agnostic you don't know if you get any days off or not. — Mort Sahl
All performance involves the risk of making a fool of oneself, and professionalism is never passing up the opportunity. — Steve Post
Our normal waking consciousness is but one special type of consciousness, whilst all about it, parted from it by the flimsiest of screens, there lie potential forms of consciousness entirely different. We may go through life without suspecting their existence; but apply the requisite stimulus and at a touch they are all there in all their completeness. — William James
Growing numbers of scientists and philosophers are becoming convinced that the prevailing physicalist picture is fundamentally flawed, and that science urgently needs to extend in directions that will allow it to accommodate genuine spiritual experiences without loss of scientific integrity. — University of Virginia Department of Perceptual Studies
Scientism is more dangerous than pseudoscience because it is an inside job. Error, bias, and hype are minor sins compared to scientific hubris. — Àlex Gómez-Marín
The telegraph and the telephone are going to become too slow and wordy for our needs. We must have the thought itself shot into our minds from a distance; then, if we need to put it into words, we can do that tedious work at our leisure. — Mark Twain
Large amounts of credible empirical evidence have accumulated for a variety of human mental and psychophysical capacities that resist or defy explanation in conventional physicalist terms. — Edward F. Kelly
We do not actually know that human mental activity arises from physical neurological processes, and there are very many reasons for thinking that the human brain cannot be the source of the mind. — Mark Mahin
Our perpetual hunger for spiritual understanding is real and undeniable. It can neither be defined away by subtle logic nor be satisfied by viewing the universe as sterile, mechanistic, and accidental. — Larry Dossey, M.D.
Who – what – are we? The question is perennial. Something small in power, trapped by time, locked in mortal bodies? Others – philosophers, poets, mystics, even scientists – hold that we are inlets to a greater reality, part of a higher life and fuller mode of being. — Michael Grosso
The more thoroughly all our organs and their functions, their internal structure, and the biochemical reactions that take place within them are described, the more we seem to fail to grasp the spirit, purpose, and meaning of the system that they create together and that we experience as our unique self. — Vaclav Havel
Our main cultural battle is against fear and the strong gravitational pull toward conventional ways of thinking and behaving. All of us have been conditioned for years not to fail, not to be vulnerable, and to minimize risk. — Astro Teller
The desire to transcend one's own ego boundaries, to share completely, even for a moment, the consciousness of another person must be a universal longing. It motivates many of our activities from taking drugs to making love, and lies behind the search for new ways of getting close to one another that is so intense in our society today. — Andrew Weil, M.D.
Everything in the universe exists at one time, simultaneously, and the first words ever spoken still ring throughout the universe, and in your terms the last words ever spoken have been said time and time again, for there is no ending and no beginning. It is only your perception that is limited. — Seth
Bliss is brief, about five seconds for the male, fifteen for the female. Euphoria is a drug: they give it to you for a wisdom tooth extraction or a colonoscopy. But cheerfulness is a habit. — Garrison Keillor
This is the essential element that cannot be measured by any analysis or device, and I believe it is at the heart of success in all things: the power of intuition and the ability to harness and use it like a master. — Garry Kasparov
Our creative selves never die. Over the years, we simply start believing in the illusion that the well has run dry. But it will continue to be a font of ideas until our last breath. We just need the courage to drop the bucket deep enough. — David Shiner
Literature starts by being personal, but the deeper we go inside the more we become everybody. — Donald Hall
What George Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Aldous Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, because there would be no one who wanted to read one. — Neil Postman
The world is not a mess of conflicting disconnected forces, no matter how it appears to be. No one dies or lives, gets well or gets sick, thrives or withers, by chance, by accident, by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. No one meets an untimely death, nor has his life blighted for no reason, nor suffers without full recompense. — Frank DeMarco
I like to educate people on the potential power of what we can't see and can't prove. — Shirley Maclaine
When death approaches a man, his mortal part dies, but the immortal part departs safe and incorruptible. — Plato
Though we seem to be sleeping, there is an inner wakefulness that directs the dreams. And that will eventually startle us back to the truth of who we are. — Rumi
At the heart of liberty is the right to define one's own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life. — U.S. Supreme Court
Nobody climbs mountains for scientific reasons. Science is used to raise money for the expeditions, but you really climb for the hell of it. — Sir Edmund Hillary
Don't leave your comfort zone. Make your comfort zone bigger. — Avner Eisenberg
Love is a very common business, really; it does not require special settings or extreme circumstances or any particular face or body or income tax bracket. — Paddy Chayefsky