Portrait of Bennett Kobb

Bennett Z. Kobb

I'm an editor, publisher and broadcaster, trained in User Experience (UX), with deep roots in association marketing, regulatory affairs and communications technology.

I publish Experimental Radio News, which covers startups and scientific ventures under review by the Federal Communications Commission. See LinkedIn for my bio.

I help support non-commercial audio media, as part of the national Grassroots Radio community.

Where I've worked

Federal Emergency Management Agency
National Science Foundation
Pew Charitable Trusts
Aeronautical Repair Station Association
Telecommunications Industry Association
Public Technology Institute
Wireless Information Networks Forum
Civil Rights Forum on Communications Policy
Telecommunications Reports International

My interests include amateur radio, public emergency alerting, meditation, and anomalous cognition — the ability to gain information from sources outside the range of the senses by a currently not understood mechanism.

I am a member of the American Radio Relay League, the Society for Scientific Exploration and the Parapsychological Association.

I am a Life Member and Senior Member (SMIEEE) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. I strive to follow the IEEE Code of Ethics.

I live in South Central Texas, where I like to put guacamole on everything. These quotes describe my outlook on life.

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